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Pondicherry Independence Day

Pondicherry Independence Day

On August 16, Puducherry celebrates its Independence Day, a day after the rest of India, which piques curiosity among visitors and locals alike. The story behind this unique tradition dates back to India’s independence on August 15, 1947.

Puducherry, once a French colonial settlement, found itself still under French rule when India unfurled its tricolor flag. The resilient people of Puducherry yearned for freedom and unity with India, sparking a separate struggle to break free from the clutches of colonialism.

Led by Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru, India engaged in negotiations with France for Puducherry’s liberation. The French administration reluctantly agreed to let the people decide their political fate.

In October 1948, municipal elections were held, electing representatives from a pro-French group. However, their initial acceptance of autonomy gave way to the unwavering desire for unification with India.

The momentum for unity spread, and all communes in Karaikal followed suit, pledging allegiance to India. A significant referendum in Kizhur village sealed the people’s determination for merging with India.

On November 1, 1954, the de facto transfer agreement was signed between France and India. But the final chapter was yet to unfold.

August 16, 1962, became the day of De Jure freedom for Puducherry, marked by the exchange of instruments of ratification between India and France. The French government’s legislation ratified the Treaty of Cession, solidifying Puducherry’s place within independent India.

As you witness the festive spirit and the tricolor flag fluttering in the breeze on August 16, cherish the captivating tale of Puducherry’s resilience and triumph. In this enchanting land where Indian and French legacies intertwine, the celebration of freedom speaks volumes about the indomitable human spirit and the triumph of unity over adversity.

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